Takeaway Onboarding

web app · frontend · user interface · responsive

role: UI designer / Frontend developer

year: 2019

project overview

With hundreds of new hires per month, Takeaway.com was part of the top 250 of growth companies in 2020. Together with them TinQwise developed Take Off: a pre-boarding and onboarding experience meant to give Takeaway's new hires a good and stable induction, in an environment that grows hard and changes continuously.

my contributions

I was mostly involved as a developer in this project. An external agency created the mobile designs for this web app. My contribution as a designer was that I took the agency’s designs and made them responsive (creating desktop versions). Then one of my colleagues set up the skeleton of the app and I proceeded with building the entire frontend.

design for responsiveness

The assets delivered by the external agency were mobile only, To address this, I designed the desktop screens before starting development. As a designer/frontender, I was able to identify where the layout was breaking and make necessary design adjustments while coding. This saved from going back and forth a lot with a developer.

building the frontend

One of my frontender colleagues scaffolded the app for me: he set up a skeleton based on the code of other platforms that we built in the past. This was fairly bare bones and I continued with building most of the features and styled the components. The platform was built in React and included features such as an intake and walkthrough, a weekly ‘Whatsup?’ questionnaire, a manager dashboard, a ‘Who’s who?’ page, a dashboard with ‘Magic wall’ and ‘Suggested bites’, and an FAQ page.