G-Star Academy

web app · branding · user interface · responsive · prototyping

role: Visual designer

year: 2018

project overview

G-Star Academy, a legacy platform built by TinQwise for desktop and tablet only, migrated to a new Learning Management System (LMS) and content builder.

my contributions

For the migration I made responsive designs for the Academy and gave all the screens a fresh look according to G-Star’s updated brand guidelines.


The existing Academy consisted of a dashboard, profile, video tour, achievements and many learning interactions that had to be restyled according to G-Star's new brand guidelines.

Multiple choice question (old styling)

Multiple choice question (new styling)

design for responsiveness

All learning interactions were made specifically for desktop and tablet and had to become responsive. Many were pretty straightforward to redesign but especially the 'hotspot' and 'timeline' interactions needed a drastic change to make them suitable for mobile.

Timeline question (old styling)

Hotspot question (old styling)

Timeline question (new styling)

Hotspot question (new styling)